Graduate Assistantships

Teaching assistantships in English are awarded competitively to students accepted into any of the department's graduate programs. Students typically teach composition courses or fulfill other responsibilities for the department. Students interested in such assistantships are encouraged to complete their applications by March 1. In addition to two letters of recommendation and GRE scores, applicants for teaching assistantships should submit a two-page personal statement or brief critical essay.

You may also be eligible for non-teaching assistantships throughout the University. Graduate assistantships are offered in administrative and academic areas, and may involve administrative and/or research responsibilities. Graduate students in the English program are encouraged to apply for assistantships.

Check with the Graduate College for more information about assistantships.

Applications and letters of recommendation should be sent to:

Director of Graduate Studies
Department of English
Missouri State University
901 S. National Ave.
Springfield, MO  65897