Master of Applied Second Language Acquisition

Students in class

Why pursue a Master of Applied Second Language Acquisition at Missouri State?

The Master of Applied Second Language Acquisition (MASLA), offered by the Department of Languages, Cultures and Religions and the Department of English at Missouri State University, offers you the following:

  • MASLA is a flexible degree program that combines training in topics pertinent to second language acquisition theory and practice, including linguistics, research and teaching methods, and materials and assessment design, with advanced discipline-specific coursework focused on the areas of TESOL, Spanish and French.
  • It is designed for anyone with an interest in teaching one of these languages, including currently certified teachers.
  • MASLA graduates will be well qualified to teach languages in a variety of settings, both in the United States and abroad.

Transferring coursework from other institutions

Candidates may transfer up to nine hours in coursework taken at other regionally accredited institutions into the MASLA program. However, any decision regarding credit for transferred courses is subject to the terms of the Transfer Credit policy outlined in the Graduate Catalog.

Double-counting other Missouri State graduate coursework toward the MASLA

TESOL track MASLA students may double count toward the MASLA all 15 hours of coursework taken as part of the Graduate Certificate in TESOL.

Up to nine hours of coursework may double count toward the MASLA and the M.A. in English or Writing.

Not a teacher certification program

The MASLA is not a teacher certification program and does not contain a certification or endorsement option.

One of the purposes of the program is to allow presently certified foreign language teachers to pursue a master’s degree in their fields. Prospective MASLA candidates who are not certified to teach in Missouri but who wish to seek certification in Spanish or French or to add a TESOL endorsement to an existing certification should speak with an advisor in the Department of English or in the Department of Languages, Cultures and Religions

They should also contact the Teacher Certification Office for additional information on certification options for postbaccalaureate students.