How to Apply to Graduate School

Getting Started

To apply to Missouri State University's graduate studies, you will create an account with the GradCAS portal and provide the following information:

  • Your intended university (Missouri State University)
  • Your intended program of study
  • An application fee
  • Contact information for your references
  • Additional required documents--see the details in your program of interest

You may begin the process before all your application materials are ready. The GradCAS portal will save your progress, allowing you to return at a later time.

Creating an account

To create an account in GradCAS, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to GradCAS.
  2. Select Create an Account.
  3. Fill out all required fields in the Create an Account window.
  4. Under Terms and Conditions, select the checkbox to agree to the terms.
  5. Select Create my account to continue.

Once you have successfully create an account, you will advance to the Welcome to GradCAS window where you will start your application.

Start your application

  1. In the Welcome to GradCAS window, select Start Your Application!
  2. A new window will appear, asking you to select when you plan to start a program. Select the appropriate semester from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the Program Selection window, in the search box, type in Missouri State University. This will filter MSU programs. The following are English Department-specific programs you may consider.
Program Name Who should apply

Master of Arts, English

Master of Arts, English (International Student Application)

Students interested in tracks for literature, creative writing, and TESOL.

Master of Arts, Writing

Master of Arts, Writing (International Student Application)

Students interested in tracks for technical/professional writing and rhetoric/composition.

Note: The technical/professional writing track has an accelerated program option.

Master of Science in Education, Secondary Education

Master of Science in Education, Secondary Education (International Student Application)

Students interested in teaching English in secondary schools.

Note: This program has an accelerated option.

Graduate Certificate, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Graduate Certificate, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (International Student Application)

Graduate Certificate, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) - Online

Graduate Certificate, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) - Online (International Student Application)

Students interested in a TESOL Graduate Certificate.

Note: This program has options for seated and online.

Graduate Certificate, Teaching of Writing K-12

Graduate Certificate, Teaching of Writing K-12 (International Student Application)

Students interested in a graduate certificate for Teaching of Writing K-12.

Note: If you are uncertain about which program is right for you, contact the English Department Graduate Director.

  1. Select the program you wish to apply to.
  2. Select Continue. You will advance to the Review Your Program Selections window.
  3. Select Continue to My Application.

You will be directed to the GradCAS dashboard, where you may start your application to the graduate program you selected.

Important application details

  • Most programs in the English Department require a personal statement, writing sample, and reference letters. Review your specific program's application requirements on the English Department website.
  • International student applicants are required to submit additional materials. Select a program with International Student Application in the title. Otherwise, there may be difficulties processing your application. Contact International Services for more information.

Graduate assistantship information

Graduate school applications are accepted on a rolling basis; however, if you are interested in scholarship funding with a graduate assistantship, you will receive priority consideration if you apply by the following deadlines.

Fall semester application deadline Spring semester application deadline
Application received by March 1st Application received by October 1st

Most graduate assistantships begin funding in August. We have limited positions open in January.

Graduate assistants typically teach two sections per semester of ENG 110 Writing I. However, there are some opportunities to teach other introductory-level courses, and some graduate assistants receive assignments for other positions such as working in the Writing Center or assisting faculty.

New graduate assistants attend a week-long orientation in August to prepare for teaching classes. Those who begin in January attend a short orientation then as well as in August.

Applying for a Graduate Assistantship

Submit your graduate assistantship application with your other application materials through GradCAS. If you have already been admitted to an English Department graduate program but did not submit a graduate assistantship application, fill out the application and send the form by email to the English Department Graduate Director.

Graduate Assistantship Application

Note: If your admission application materials did not include a writing sample, include a writing sample with your GA application.


If you have not attended Missouri State for three or more semesters, you will need to reapply to activate your student status.

Reactivate your application

If you are a current Missouri State graduate student and wish to add or change a program, complete the add graduate program application.

Add graduate program application


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