MSU Undergraduate Literature Conference
Join us April 3-4, 2025!
The MSU Undergraduate Literature Conference (ULC), held annually each spring, welcomes
undergraduate students from across the region to present their research in a public
forum. If you are an undergraduate student who has written a paper that examines a
piece of literature or a cultural text (such as a film, television series, or video
game), the Missouri State University English Department encourages you to submit your
work during our call for submissions at the beginning of the calendar year. We also
encourage members of the community, as well as family members and friends of presenters,
to attend. The ULC is free and open to the public.
Why present at the ULC?
Conferences such as the ULC allow students to share their ideas with the broader community. If you are selected to present, you will read your paper out loud in front of an audience whose members include peers, faculty, and community members. At the end of your presentation, you will receive questions and feedback that can help you expand your project. Students who present at the ULC often apply to larger national conferences or submit their work for publication. The ULC also provides the opportunity for professional development. In many professional fields, conference presentations are a common practice. The ULC gives students skills that will be valuable throughout their careers.
Why attend the ULC?
Conference attendees have the pleasure of listening to student scholars whose papers enrich our understanding of classic literary texts and of modern popular culture. Recent panels have covered a fascinating array of topics, including "Issues in Chaucer," "Gender and Sexuality in American Literature," "Reading Literature and Culture through Disability Studies," and "Graphic Narrative." In the lively conversations that follow the presentations, students and audience members learn from each other.
How can I apply to present?
To apply, please fill out the submission form and email it to Dr. Lanya Lamouria by midnight on Friday, February 21, 2025. Please type “ULC Submission” in the subject line of the email.
Need more information?
Please email Dr. Lanya Lamouria, Chair of the ULC, for more information.
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