Writing Graduate Program

Become a highly trained writer and teacher of writing

Study a variety of writing genres in a program with a strong balance between rhetorical theory and practice.

Learn to research topics to enhance the practice of writing in business and industry and the study of the teaching of writing.

Choose from options that allow you to complete your degree online entirely or to take online courses as part of your program.

Pursue a Graduate Degree in Writing

Getting a graduate degree in Writing allows you to take the writing skills already acquired in your undergraduate degree and build upon them. In our program, you will gain advanced writing abilities that are versatile and vital to professional success. Additionally, our courses teach you problem-solving and practical skills, and provide opportunities to work with various computer programs.

Track Options

All Master of Arts in Writing students complete 18 core hours and specialize in one of the following tracks:

Student working on computer

Learn to adapt specialized information accurately and fairly to help readers make decisions, perform tasks, or solve problems. The Technical and Professional Writing Program can be completed through traditional seated courses or entirely online.


Prepare both for college-level teaching and for further studies. With a graduate assistantship, you can teach composition during your entire two-year program; ours is one of the few programs to provide that opportunity.


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