Dr. Margaret E. Weaver


Role: Faculty Emeritus
Campus: Springfield



  • PhD, Humanities: Composition Theory and Rhetoric, 1997, University of Texas – Arlington


  • ENG 100 Introduction to College Composition

  • ENG 110 Writing I
  • ENG 210 Writing II
  • ENG 310 Writing for Graduate School
  • ENG 520/629 Composition and Rhetoric in High School and Junior College
  • ENG 523/623 Writing Center Theory and Practice
  • ENG 525/627 History of Rhetoric
  • ENG 526/628 Rhetorics for the 21st Century
  • ENG 580 Gendered Rhetoric and Pedagogy
  • ENG 703 Practicum in Teaching Writing
  • ENG 720 Composition Theory
  • ENG 721 Theory of Basic Writing
  • ENG 722 Literacy Theory and Composition
  • ENG 725 Performative Rhetorics

Professional experience

Selected publications

  • ’That’s a Blonde Remark’: Gendered Communication in the Workplace. Feminist Challenges or Feminist Rhetorics?: Locations, Scholarship and Discourse. Ed. Kirsti Cole. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 145-156.
  •  Transcending ‘Conversing’: A Deaf Student in the Writing Center.  The St.Martin’s Sourcebook for Writing Tutors. 2nd ed., 3rd ed., 4th ed. Eds. Christina Murphy and Steve Sherwood. Boston: Bedford Press, 2003, 2007, 2011. 221-232.
  •  A Call for Racial Diversity in the Writing Center. The Writing Center Director’s Resource Book. Eds. Christina Murphy and Byron Stay. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates, 2006. 79-91.

Research and professional interests

  • Composition pedagogy
  • Feminist and postmodern rhetorics
  • Collaborative theories  
  • Writing center studies
  • Basic writing and directed self placement

Awards and honors

  • Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2021
  • University Foundation Award in Teaching, 2021
  • FCTL Faculty Award for Excellence in Online Teaching, Missouri State University, 2020
  • Curtis P. Lawrence Master Teacher Award, Missouri State University, 2019
  • Eric Shade Memorial Faculty Governance Award, Missouri State University, 2018
  • FCTL Teaching Award in Accessible Learning, 2018
  • Nominee for Outstanding Graduate Mentor, 2014
  • MACURH (Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls) Regional Institution Faculty/Staff Winner, April 2013
  • University Foundation Award in Teaching, 2012
  • Outstanding Honors Instructor, Fall 2010
  • Nominee for Outstanding Graduate Mentor, 2009
  • International Writing Centers Association Outstanding Scholarship Award, Best Article in 2004. “Censoring What Tutor’s Clothing ‘Says: The ‘Right’ Path of Violation of First Amendment Rights? Writing Center Journal 24.2 (2004): 19-36.
  • College Service Award, 2004
  • College Teaching Award, 2003
  • International Writing Centers Association Outstanding Scholarship Award Nominee, Best Article in 2001. “Resistance is Anything But Futile: Some More Thoughts on Writing Conference Summaries.” Writing Center Journal 21.2 (2001): 35-56.
  • University Teaching Award, 2001